Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I am back.
I know, whatever.
So, just because a few of you darlings may not be ready for this you get a disclaimer.
I vent and observe. I like to remember things. I post, therefore I am. In postings you may find some fowl language. I support marriage to whoever you like with no bias to religion, race or sex. If you love them, marry them. Not my business what you do behind closed doors. I think hard work is good and easy money, pandering, living off the government or just being a freedloader is wack. I like to discuss cars, Prada, nail polish, shoes, law, TV, my disdain for American Idol and my naked cat. I support Obama. I know I just lost some readers. I love food. Somehow I do not weigh four hundred pounds, I probably should because I eat like a sumo wrestler. I love music and wish I had more time and money to hit live shows. I love animals so much I cannot imagine eating them, so I do not. I am a strayed Catholic that does not have the spine to hike into mass. If you want to take me I will go, just scared. I think religion is what you make of it and I am not one to think any one form is any greater than the other. I am not going to call anything really fun out by name that has to do with my work life. Try and figure it, you will not unless you are directly involved. I think that about covers it...you have been warned. Enjoy at your own discretion.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Welcome back.