Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Best Thing Since......

I really love Christmas. I love the surprises, movies, family, food, cookies, trees, songs and all that Christmas goodness. Best of all I love getting a pile of gifts. For you my dear readers, I offer my Christmas review:

This hair dryer makes me have the best hair ever! Better than a Chi and made in Italy like all good things. Big thanks to Kitt (#1 hair stylist at Van Michael Salon) for helping the fab hub get this for me from the in laws.

Again, all good things come from Italy. If you have not had one of these little pieces of heaven get your ass up and go get some. They have sweet little love notes in them.

I love Justin. I don't care what you say. The fab hub hooked this up. Yummy!

I requested a certain popcorn tin for the tin this year. I got this huge tin with Santa on it. I WANTED THE FLAMINGO TIN. Do people really eat this crap? I will feed it to the office. I will try again next year . I don't want the popcorn.....just the tin. Who needs popcorn when I have hoarded so many cookies?

So I am not a fan of the French, flappy headed, frogs. I do, however, love some champagne. This is the only french contribution I will acknowledge. I believe it is pronounced, "Verve poo poo".

This is almost perfect. See, I am married to a geek. He knows every spec or will fully educate himself on every spec of anything that is quasi electronic. I wanted the Sony. We will exchange.
A self help book and a coffee mug for the fab hub and myself. We can drink coffee and learn the language of, thanks for thinking of us. Hermph....I needed a coffee mug. I was fresh out of them.....

Now who does not love a time traveling midget? I am too exhausted to expound on this. This is a train wreck that is actually my mother's white elephant gift. She was too tipsy to remember to steal the lottery tickets and ended up with midgets, time traveling midgets.

This is a sample of the Christmas goodness. I am not sharing my cookies. I probably have 5 dozen or so more to fatten myself with.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Llama Llama Duck

Mom came up and brought her cat Sophie with her. Bellini really does not know what to think of the large oddly marked cat. She has looked at her and sniffed her. Then she tried to growl at her. She sounds like a cooing dove. Bellini does not know how to growl. How sweet is my cat? Yeah, that sweet. And let me tell you it is funny hearing a cat growl like a dove trying to be fierce. A naked growling dove cat.....

I know, I know

I suck. I know....
Saying I have been busy is putting it all too nicely. I have been baking, shopping cleaning and planning all sorts of goodness for my favorite time of year. I really frickin' love Christmas. Today we will go to my Gramie's house. Before we go there we will hit the Niemans and Saks outlets since she lives 10 miles past where God stopped creating and for some reason that is where outlets are....
Then we come home clean up and go to my big fat Italian Christmas party. Yes, really, my family is huge, we are such a big family no one knows everybody and all the kids. We eat alot and then drink even more. Then it will be time for the white elephant gift exchange. I must admit I am slightly worried. I pissed a bunch of people off at last years as I got the highly coveted peacock stained glass window. People will be out for revenge.
More on Christmas fun....I shook a gift so much and so hard last night the fab hub thinks I broke it. Crap. I will not be happy opening broken stuff.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Trader Joe: I still heart you!

We went back for more. This time Chuck was there. 2 cases to start went home with us. The fab hub bought 1 beer that was $9. I pointed out that his 1 beer is worth 3 bottles of wine.
When we got to Joe's it was such a mess. I waited for 5 minutes to get a flippin' cart. Yeah, it is that good in there! I think the fire Marshall was tied up in the back. I saw a couple people shopping with Party City carts. Very funny. People doing what they have to do to get the wine.
Whatever. I got more sweet potato fries and snacks in general. Yummy.
Joe, I love you.

I am a Disney Princess

We were digging through Tuesday Morning last night and there I saw it. A cute little pink toaster with Cinderella on it and it puts the cutest little high heel shoe on your toast! How perfect: A shoe on your toast. You know I have become the shoe obsessed.....too bad I don't like toast.

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Crown Jewel of Finials: The Flamingo

The Crown Jewel of Finials: The Flamingo
Originally uploaded by ganners.

We went to the Festival of Trees tonight. The fab hub had already been down there today unknown to me. He worked out a deal on the Radko tree topped finial. I just saw an extra box go in the bag and thought I was lucky. Oh, no.....he had worked it out. It was presented to me over pickle chips at the OK Cafe. Could the world be anymore perfect?

Saturday, December 02, 2006

I Heart Trader Joe's

We went to Trader Joe's tonight for grocery getting. I freakin' love that place. I have not been in some time. I think the last time I was in one was when I was in Cleveland for business 2 years ago. The selection. The prices. Oh, there is so much goodness in there. Joe just came to Atlanta. The store we went to is in Sandy Springs. We asked about 2 buck Chuck....they had a 2 month supply that sold out in 3 days......way to go Atlanta! I am being so good right now by not eating the gelato (Italian Chocolate) out of the container. It is still sealed in the freezer. However, the freeze dried pineapple is wonderful. I went in to Whole Foods for a few things as well and noted muffin tops in nice containers. You know, the top really is the best part of the muffin......