Monday, September 25, 2006

Seen in Costco

Seen in the check out line in Costco:
The lines were long. I had 2 items. I waited. The crazy guy behind me and his wife wearing camouflage and kids were looking for the shortest line. They were in my line then moved to another line, then stopped to bitch about all the lines. A woman with a bag of coffee came behind us and puts her bag of coffee on the belt. Here comes camo family. He moves her bag back and begins to unload his very full cart. She asks what he is doing. He says he is taking his place back. She corrected him. They have a disagreement. I say that I saw her behind us when he left and agree she is next in line. They go back and forth and the check out girl took her as the next in line. He continues to complain. The fab hub tells the guy to calm down and reminds him that the lady has a bag of coffee. The guy is getting nastier by the second. This guy is too old to be a jerk in front of everyone at Costco over a lady just buying a bag of coffee. Isn't it courtesy to let someone with 1 item go in front of you when you have an over flowing cart?? Jackass....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want to kick ass with people like this. and strangers infrequently fill me with rage.