Saturday, February 02, 2008


I have had horrible skin since I was too young to know the differance. As a child my mom had to put cream that was more of a paste than a smoothing moisturizer. As I have grown not much has changed. My skin is like the dessert. I have been to so many dematologists I am honestly surprised my health care insurance still entertains me going. I have rosacia as well. I have pale skin. You name it, I have it. I have spent stupid amounts of money on it. I had laser treatment to even out my skin and help diminsh the rosacia. It worked, but it is not permant. I have tried countless prescriptions. Maxed out my flex spending 3 years in a row. I have had laser hair removal on my face for a few hairs with minds of their own. On a freckle/mole thing on my cheek I have a hair that has been stubborn to the laser hair removal and then I have a chin hair. I do not want to be like a granny with the creepy chin hair. So I asked the derm about the chin situation since I have a small scar and a hair and neither will go away with laser treatment. The derm says I need to have it cut out. Derm says there is a cyst under the scar that the hair grows through and is the problem that all other game plans have been a bust. So then I show the derm 2 other scars I have that act the same....yeah they have cysts too. SUCK! I need to get all of the damn things cut out. I think we have already gone over that my one true primal fear in life is needles. I can look a storm in the eye and walk into it. Not needles. I am a sissy.
On a flip side I have gotten one solution on my quest to good skin. I had some sun damage on my face from cruising around in my convertable. They gave me a magic potion that actually worked!
Now I need to find a plastic surgeon for the chin buisness....

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