Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Thank You Senator McCain

Dear Senator McCain,

I wanted to personally thank you in the wonderful selection for your running mate. Sarah Palin is perfect. I love how conservative she is. Never mind her 17 year old daughter is unwed and pregnant. Forget that her husband has a string of DUI charges in his history. Forget she has 5 kids, one of which she learned prenatally has downs syndrome but kept as God's blessing to birth at age 44. I can look past that she has no foreign policy experience and just got her passport in 2007. I understand that being a member of city counsel, mayor of 5,000 people and a Governor for almost 2 years is great experience. God forbid you die in office, but I think she is ready to take over should you have an untimely demise. I like the fact that she will take all the confusion out of my life by allowing the government to make decisions regarding my body given she is against abortion for horrible acts such as incest or even rape. Since her husband works for BP Oil it comes as no surprise she is a pro-drill woman.
Obama says that the personal life and children of your running mate are off limits. I don't really think the Democrats need to comment on it.
It is like Christmas has come early. Thank you so very much for this gift. I cannot wait to see Tina Fey play her in a spoof.

With change I can believe in,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, Sister Mandy, Amen.