Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving and Such

I don't really care about Thanksgiving. Not a big day in my life. I do not eat meat and I spend more time asking questions about what is in something than enjoying. I love mashed potatoes. I love dressing. I love Hawaiian rolls.....just not all on the same plate. I feel like I ate a brick. Since we went over to family's house this years I made sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, a pumpkin cheesecake, a gingerbread cheesecake and fresh cranberry sauce. I did not get any dressing since it was laden with animal. To prepare for the eating festivity I participated in the Gobble Jog 5K. Yes, I actually finished. I am rather proud. Now I want to do more 5Ks and improve my time. I got magical running shoes that have changed everything. They actually fit and give my the proper support to jog.

The day after Thanksgiving the Fab Hub and I journeyed out to Augusta to see the Cirque Du Soleil show Alegria. Loved it! This show is heavy on acrobatics. The band is sensational. The opera is mind blowing. The performers are unreal. They have crafted their skills into true art. The presentation brings everything together into an incredible show.

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