Monday, October 02, 2006

Crossing Over

I am so over it. The "Cross-Over" cars are killing me. You are not fooling me. No sir, not at all. You may market them as a non-suv, bigger kind of car type of vehicle, but I know the truth. I even gave one a test drive back when the FX45 came out. I thought it was like a sports car with a back pack. Then I came to my senses:


They may not have the ultra hip backward facing seat where as a child I was stuck in a friend's mom's wagon looking at the cars behind us is Atlanta traffic, but they are station wagons.
I got so scared of anything family oriented that I cannot even have a back seat. I love my TT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is off the subject but you're right, I couldn't care less about what kind of rug so-and-so just got and how many diapers she can change in a day and blahblahblah. I'm just not willing to pay $75 to spend time with people who hated me in high school!!! We should get together for dinner sometime - the email is
