This hair dryer makes me have the best hair ever! Better than a Chi and made in Italy like all good things. Big thanks to Kitt (#1 hair stylist at Van Michael Salon) for helping the fab hub get this for me from the in laws.
Again, all good things come from Italy. If you have not had one of these little pieces of heaven get your ass up and go get some. They have sweet little love notes in them.
I love Justin. I don't care what you say. The fab hub hooked this up. Yummy!
I requested a certain popcorn tin for the tin this year. I got this huge tin with Santa on it. I WANTED THE FLAMINGO TIN. Do people really eat this crap? I will feed it to the office. I will try again next year . I don't want the popcorn.....just the tin. Who needs popcorn when I have hoarded so many cookies?
This is almost perfect. See, I am married to a geek. He knows every spec or will fully educate himself on every spec of anything that is quasi electronic. I wanted the Sony. We will exchange.
A self help book and a coffee mug for the fab hub and myself. We can drink coffee and learn the language of, thanks for thinking of us. Hermph....I needed a coffee mug. I was fresh out of them.....
Now who does not love a time traveling midget? I am too exhausted to expound on this. This is a train wreck that is actually my mother's white elephant gift. She was too tipsy to remember to steal the lottery tickets and ended up with midgets, time traveling midgets.
This is a sample of the Christmas goodness. I am not sharing my cookies. I probably have 5 dozen or so more to fatten myself with.